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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed auctor placerat luctus.

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  • Aliquam justo nec velit porttitor sodales
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Quisque aliquet, libero consequat elementum convallis.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed auctor placerat luctus.


Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus.


Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus.


Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus.


Winner Seo Master MAGT Smart Start Award 2017

Top Social Media Agencies Next Partner 2018

10 Fastest Growing Abstract Solution Providers 2019

National Excellence Agencie Award Winner 2020

“The team at Avada Marketing Consultant is fabulous. They helped us unlock our potential online and offline. We have experienced year on year growth due to their progressive approach.”

Andreas Casey

Marketing Consultant Expert

Make a Difference in Youth STEM Education – Support New and Equitable Ways of Learning”

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed auctor placerat luctus.

Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo. Integer consectetur luctus dui id convallis. Sed pellentesque erat non eu auctor tortor, sit amet egestas purus.

Sed tincidunt tempor leo, vitae consequat lorem ornare ultricies. Nullam fringilla ultricies pharetra.

Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo. Integer consectetur luctus dui id convallis. Sed pellentesque erat non eu auctor tortor, sit amet egestas purus.
Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo. Integer consectetur luctus dui id convallis. Sed pellentesque erat non eu auctor tortor, sit amet egestas purus.

Grow your traffic

Nullam et cursus neque, eget fringilla dolor, curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus.

Increase your sales

Nullam et cursus neque, eget fringilla dolor, curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus.

What problem are you trying to solve?

Can students from different high schools form a team?2024-09-19T12:42:55-04:00

Yes, students do not necessarily have to represent the high school at which they are studying.

Is this competition only open to Canadian students?2024-09-19T12:42:33-04:00

No, students from any country can sign up. The HSBDC is not limited to Canadians.

Do I need to have an idea for my project?2024-09-19T12:42:03-04:00

Think about what interests you the most in the field of the provided topic. Read the internet and research articles. In challenges like this one, many teams come up with their topics in the first few days of the challenge, rather than beforehand.

How do I form or join a team?2024-09-19T12:41:16-04:00

We encourage participants to start forming teams before the event. You may attempt to form a team of students at the same high school. It is also recommended to make interdisciplinary teams given the nature of our data challenge topics. You may also register on your own and be placed into a team after registration.

Do I need previous programming experience?2024-09-19T12:40:41-04:00

You do not need any previous experience with programming. We welcome all students who are eager to put effort into learning and expanding their skillsets, as well as those who show any level of interest in data science or the challenge topic. Additionally, we will provide you with access to resources and webinars to learn everything you need to succeed!

Who can sign up?2024-10-16T10:11:39-04:00

Students, parents, or teachers can register students as a team of up to five.

There is a registration fee of $100 per team (If you are registering as part of a registered STEM Fellowship high school chapter, there is a 10% discount on the registration fee, so the new fee is $90).

PayPal or E-transfer:
You can e-transfer the registration fee to us at info@stemfellowship.org. For international participants, you can send us the fee via PayPal at info@stemfellowship.org. Please keep your confirmation number from the paymentsand enter it in the registration form. When e-transferring the registration fee to our email, please enter the full name of at least one registering student in the e-transfer message.

Credit Card:
To pay with credit card, please email ema.jamal@stemfellowship.org to request a custom payment link. Please keep your invoice number and enter it in the registration form.

Can students from different universities form a team?2024-03-29T11:23:43-04:00

Yes, students do not necessarily have to represent the university at which they are studying.

Is this competition only open to Canadian students?2024-03-29T11:23:16-04:00

No, students from any country can sign up. The IUBDC is not limited to Canadians.

Do I need to have an idea for my project?2024-03-29T11:22:40-04:00

Think about what interests you the most in the field of the provided topic. Reflect on your day-to-day; talk to your friends and professional network from academia and industry; explore emerging technologies and platforms; read the internet and research articles. In hackathons like these, many teams come up with their topics in the first few days of the challenge, rather than beforehand.

How do I form or join a team?2024-03-29T11:22:06-04:00

We encourage participants to start forming teams before the event. You may also register and participate on your own or request to be placed into a team after registration. It is also recommended to make interdisciplinary teams given the nature of our data challenge topics.

Do I need previous programming experience?2024-03-29T11:20:04-04:00

You do not need previous experience with programming, although it is recommended. We welcome all students who are eager to put effort into learning and expanding their skillsets, as well as those who show any level of interest in data science or the challenge topic. Additionally, we will provide you with access to resources and webinars to learn everything you need to succeed!

When do applications open?2023-02-15T14:09:34-05:00

Applications are usually open around late November or early December each year.

When do application results come out?2023-02-15T14:09:08-05:00

We typically get a large number of applications for our programs, please be patient as our branches go through and review the applications as quickly as they can. You should hear back by mid-February at the latest.

Where can I find the application link?2023-02-15T14:08:22-05:00

The most up to date information about the REO program including application links can be found on our social media platforms: @stem_fellowship

Is there a stipend available for travel, accommodation and food costs?2023-02-15T14:07:22-05:00

Unfortunately, we do not have extra funding available for these costs at this time. We strongly encourage you to only apply to programs within a commutable distance.

When is the REO program?2023-02-15T14:06:39-05:00

The REO program takes place during the March Break of the province that the university is located in.

Can I apply to more than one REO program?2023-02-15T14:00:26-05:00

Yes! But you may only accept an offer from one of the university programs.

Quisque aliquet, libero consequat elementum convallis, erat risus imperdiet?2020-06-26T22:21:27-04:00

Suspendisse consectetur, est sed lobortis dictum, turpis orci finibus felis, mattis tempus ex dui ac diam. Etiam dictum turpis tempor, bibendum lacus eget, ullamcorper eros. Proin vitae viverra metus. In sed risus vehicula, tincidunt sem vel, dignissim orci. Cras porttitor erat sit amet nisl fermentum, at pharetra lorem blandit.

Duis vel risus egestas, viverra enim sed, pretium velit?2020-06-26T22:21:11-04:00

Suspendisse consectetur, est sed lobortis dictum, turpis orci finibus felis, mattis tempus ex dui ac diam. Etiam dictum turpis tempor, bibendum lacus eget, ullamcorper eros. Proin vitae viverra metus. In sed risus vehicula, tincidunt sem vel, dignissim orci. Cras porttitor erat sit amet nisl fermentum, at pharetra lorem blandit.

Mauris porta interdum risus, at scelerisque ante faucibus porttitor erat sit?2020-06-26T22:19:20-04:00

Suspendisse consectetur, est sed lobortis dictum, turpis orci finibus felis, mattis tempus ex dui ac diam. Etiam dictum turpis tempor, bibendum lacus eget, ullamcorper eros. Proin vitae viverra metus. In sed risus vehicula, tincidunt sem vel, dignissim orci. Cras porttitor erat sit amet nisl fermentum, at pharetra lorem blandit.

Suspendisse sed ligula sed est ornare gravida varius natoque magnis?2020-06-26T22:19:02-04:00

Suspendisse consectetur, est sed lobortis dictum, turpis orci finibus felis, mattis tempus ex dui ac diam. Etiam dictum turpis tempor, bibendum lacus eget, ullamcorper eros. Proin vitae viverra metus. In sed risus vehicula, tincidunt sem vel, dignissim orci. Cras porttitor erat sit amet nisl fermentum, at pharetra lorem blandit.

Curabitur ornare felis sit amet neque volutpat, porta lobortis elit rutrum?2020-06-26T22:15:06-04:00

Suspendisse consectetur, est sed lobortis dictum, turpis orci finibus felis, mattis tempus ex dui ac diam. Etiam dictum turpis tempor, bibendum lacus eget, ullamcorper eros. Proin vitae viverra metus. In sed risus vehicula, tincidunt sem vel, dignissim orci. Cras porttitor erat sit amet nisl fermentum, at pharetra lorem blandit.

Praesent posuere nisi risus auctor posuere? Etiam auctor laoreet magna?2020-06-26T22:03:11-04:00

Suspendisse consectetur, est sed lobortis dictum, turpis orci finibus felis, mattis tempus ex dui ac diam. Etiam dictum turpis tempor, bibendum lacus eget, ullamcorper eros. Proin vitae viverra metus. In sed risus vehicula, tincidunt sem vel, dignissim orci. Cras porttitor erat sit amet nisl fermentum, at pharetra lorem blandit.

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